Every year health care professionals need to receive CME, CNE and CE (Continuing Education Credits) to stay on top of their game. Continuing professional development is critical to keeping up with advances in health care and with changes in the delivery of care.
Health care Conferences are a great way to achieve CE credits and accept responsibility for continual learning.Many health care professionals go to a convention to get their CE credits.As a professional speaker specializing in the healthcare industry, I am often hired as one of the humorous keynote speakers for nursing conferences, physician, pharmacists, Laboratory Professionals and radiologists convention speaker.
Health Care
Nurses seek to earn Continuing Professional Development, Continuing Nursing Education( CNE) as a way of staying accredited. The American Nurses Association Center for Continuing Education and Professional Development is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians have CPE (continuing pharmacy education) requirements. Every year thousands of pharmacy professionals achieve their CPE credits at Pharmacy Conventions like the American Pharmacists Association and the ASHP, the APhA2011is in March in Seattle, WA.
The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS), as the preeminent organization for clinical laboratory science practitioners, 2011 ASCLS Annual Meeting in July in Atlanta GA.
Radiological Society of North America organizes the world's largest scientific and educational meeting for the radiologic sciences. Radiologic Technologists achieve CME credits here.
Physicians attend the American Medical Associations( AMA)Conferences and events. The AMA Division of Continuing Physician Professional Development is responsible for hosting or cosponsoring live events, as well as producing a rich assortment of informative webinars relevant to the world of continuing medical education (CME).
I love the energy at a conference, people are their to grow, learn, network, contribute and have fun. It renews the inspiration, sprit and pride in the profession. The learning and growth is amazing, put 400 like minded professionals in a room and something good is bound to happen. Each seminar is designed to inspire innovation, make you think and help you grow- and you get continuing education credits to boot!
If you do attend a conference make sure you get the most out of it:
Network, ask to introduce the keynote speaker or seminar leaders. If the speaker needs help, be the first to volunteer, sit in the front row and do the learning activities in the session, and take notes to follow up. Attend the parties, functions and events, they are usually very memorable and fun. Events are more informal, fun way to meet people before the real learning begins. Health care is one of the most rewarding professions around, also one of the most misunderstood. Family members and friends may not relate to your story about the 55 year olds gout but other health care professionals will. If you have been banned from discussing your work at the dinner table, you need like minded professionals to tell your tales.
Health care conferences will provide a willing audience for the exciting, stressful sometimes disgusting discussion that will ensue.
Health Care Conferences You Need to Attend
Motivational, Inspirational Keynote Speaker Jody Urquhart, http://www.idoinspire.com has been a professional speaker for over 13 years. She speaks on humor, wellness, and is a top generational speaker.
Jody wrote the book All Work & No SAY
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